I would like to give fifty people who are willing to share a meal with someone from a different culture or socioeconomic background a $50 gift card to cover the cost of the meal. The gift cards will go to the first fifty people who commit to participating in the Share A Meal Experiment.
SAME, the Share A Meal Experiment, is committed to just that, people sharing meals. In a world in which walls, both figuratively and literally, are being built and fortified daily between cultural and socioeconomic lines, our ability to understand each other continues to diminish. SAME is a cultural experiment committed to crossing those lines by creating conversation over a daily event in everyone's lives, a meal. Maybe if we can begin to understand each other, we can begin to understand that we are more similar than we are different. Maybe we can create real change.
To that end, I will give fifty people who are willing to share a meal with someone from a different culture or socioeconomic background a $50 gift card to cover the cost of the meal. I believe this can be the beginning of change and I want to help those who are willing to take that chance. Fifty gift cards, fifty meals, and fifty conversations about real change.