Walk with people who are raising awareness for stomach cancer. Raffle tickets and prizes, DJ, face painting, moon bounce, dog friendly.
Nov. 7th at 9am
Harris Street Community Center
Villages of Urbana
Frederick, MD
Register at www.crowdrise.com/teamterri1
We are holding this walk because a member of our community (Terri Beach) had a total gastrectomy (entire stomach removed) back in July 2015 because of a CDH1 gene that gave her a greater than 85% chance of having stomach cancer. The average age it hits is between 22-50. Because there is no early detection, once you are diagnosed with the cancer you have a 4% chance to live 5 years. This was her only option to ensure she would be alive to watch her children grow up. We are holding this walk to raise awareness about this gene mutation, and to raise funds for more research. Her kids have a 50/50 chance of having this gene too. Through this walk, we are hoping to save others from this deadly cancer and to give those living with this gene another option besides having their stomach removed. The researchers are 5-8 years away form a new clinical drug therapy trial in humans. This gene also carries a 60% increase in having lobular breast cance r. It's time to spread awareness and raise some money!